Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, 9/26: Writing Workshop 2 + Greek Philosophy

1. See updated HW at bottom.

Why 9/11? Is America an empire? 

Watch adults debate that here. Our first Summative Seminar (the week after the DBQ) will include the question, "Is America an empire?" So this might give you good evidence to discuss:

In Class:
A. Writing Workshop 
1. Hand-Outs:
  1. Cause/Effect Essay Drafts--look at feedback, clarify the changes you need to make for final revision, hand back to me. I'll return them later for you to revise and submit for Summative Grade.
  2. Revised Essay/DBQ Rubric
  3. "Formal Academic Essay Don'ts"
2. Collect Greece DBQ drafts.
--I'll check only these things:
  • Complete Thesis Sentence + Road Map 
  • Body Paragraphs (I'll only check one):
    • Full Topic Sentence at beginning of paragraph
    • Proper Document inclusion and citation
    • Transitions within and between paragraphs
 3. Mini-Lesson: Writing Introductions and Conclusions (Powerpoint here)

B. Greek Philosophy:

Mini-Seminar: Practice making contributions before we have a Seminar Test

1. The Babylonians were not harsh to all the societies they conquered. They were very harsh to the Hebrews in Israel, though. What do you think made the Babylonians decide to destroy the Jewish Temple and deport the leading Jews to Babylon?

2. What was the difference between the Jews, who the Babylonians punished, and the other cultures that they tolerated?

3. What do you know about Jesus? What was his religion? Who crucified him? Why was he killed?

4. What do you know about Socrates? 

5. What do Socrates and Jesus have in common? Why did Confucius' life escape this?

What is philosophy, and why is it dangerous to practice it?

Watch the three videos below:

Confused? See if this clears things up:

1. Watch this podcast (download it) on Confucianism and Taoism. Since your DBQ will include China, going a bit deeper into these two philosophies will help. Pay attention to specific quotes and main ideas, because they may show up on tests.

2. Watch this clip from The Matrix, and be prepared to discuss how it relates to Plato's Allegory of the Cave:

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