Monday, November 28, 2011

Renaissance 1: Culture and Economics

HW: Debate Prep part 1

The debate will be Tuesday of next week. The schedule and rules:

Due Wednesday: Complete Chart + Your Choice for Each Factor

Credit: 15 points. Share this file with me in Gdocs, named "[your name] db".
1. Pull out your old notes and charts, and make ONE chart:
    • Row headings: Muslims (Abbasid), Mongols, Ming China, Renaissance Europe
    • Column headings: Political, Economic, Social, Religious, Science/Technology, Foreign Relations
    • fill each cell in the chart. This data will form your arguments. You will share it with your opponent.
    • In each column, make the font red for the box that shows your choice of "best" for that factor, and green for your second choice. (You can change your mind once, at the end of the Renaissance unit).
Warning: You will write a one-paragraph argument for each of three factors I'll assign you after class on Wednesday Friday (that's three paragraphs total), so make sure you have enough strong evidence to argue for each factor: Three really strong arguments per factor is your goal.

Again, you are not saying "One civilization is best in every way." You're saying,  "Civ. A was best politically and scientifically, Civ. B was best socially, Civ D was best religiously, etc."
    Due Friday Tuesday:
    Credit: 15 points. Share with me in Gdocs
    2. Three 1-minute speeches (written like body paragraphs) arguing for three factors (I'll assign them Wednesday Friday) and against your opponent (I'll assign him/her Wednesday).
    Graded for:
    a) topic sentence and organization (transitions)
    b) persuasive arguments and strongest evidence.

    Tuesday: Debate
    Credit: 70 points

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