Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday Lesson: 2k Research Draft, French Rev/Stages of Revolution (cont'd), Human Rights

In Class Tuesday:

1. Return 1k drafts.
--2,000 word deadline and requirement:
  • 2k revisions due Thursday, April 4, Monday, April 9, submitted to Turnitin.com and printed . Here's a checklist I made to clarify. I hope it helps. Remember, the form and format of research papers is what we're focused on. Many of you have discovered your research questions weren't focused enough this time around, which is a good lesson for the next time you have a research assignment. The first time is almost always messy.

For your last draft:
  • 2,000 total essay words required.
  • nine sources required (three additional since 1k draft).
  • Tip: As you read further in your research, write your notes on index cards including: source, idea (quote or paraphrase), how you will use it, and page number. 
    • This allows you to lay out your cards in different orders on the floor or table to organize the best flow for your paper. It makes in-text citation easy too.
  • Warning: You will submit your 2k draft to Turnitin.com, so be sure not to plagiarize. Penalty for plagiarism: an F and a trip to the principal, and an entry in your academic record. Don't do it. If you think you did plagiarize, highlight in yellow the parts you think might be "stolen." This will never be offered to you again, and I'm only offering it to you because you're freshmen.

2. Finish French Rev. video and worksheet.
  • Quiz Thursday: write how the French Rev. follows the "Revolutionary Stages" from Pre-Revolutionary Disorder to Moderate, Radical, "Thermidorean" (Moderate but corrupt), Reactionary, and Reform stages.
3. Deeper on Human Rights -- a legacy of the Enlightenment and a major ideology today in the West:

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